Julius Duncan's Blog

Brands for a social age

Archive for the month “August, 2011”

Domino’s Pizza – bossing social

Domino’s Pizza, the victim of a social media inspired reputation crisis in 2009, continues to impress on its path to recovery.

Its latest transparency initiative is the ‘Domino’s Tracker’. The tool allows customers to track the status of their order, see the names of the Domino’s team involved at each stage, and to post customer feedback. This has been pushed into the public domain via a billboard in Times Square, to the delight of some staff members in the video here –

Impressive stuff. What I like is the use of real-time customer feedback to not only improve the service experience and product in the long term, but also motivate staff in the short term. It’s a good example of joining-up customer experience, brand, and product development through one platform. It also demonstrates a core principle of social, don’t think about what’s in it for you, but what’s in it for your customers.

What other industries could take this approach?  Telecoms, support services, software?

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